Level of Engagement: Involve
August 2022 - The second engagement closed in August 2022.There were preferred elements between both concepts. In concept #1 respondents liked the number of courts, practice courts, and layout. In concept 2 the conservation/preservation of trees, shade, and layout were expressed as preferences. Between the two designs, concept 2 was the overall preferred option. That said, the project team is incorporating community input from both designs to create a final draft that will be ready for review in early 2023.
June 2022 - After reviewing comments and speaking with stakeholders in the community, we prepared two conceptual designs for the new Upper Bluemont Tennis Facility. We need your help! Please watch this video outlining the two designs for Upper Bluemont and view flyover videos of design concept 1 and design concept 2 for Upper Bluemont Park. We collected feedback until Aug. 1. Engagement is closed and we will be sharing what we learned in the coming weeks.
To share what we learned please review the PowerPoint(PDF, 609KB) and engagement analysis(PDF, 191KB). The raw data from this engagement is available for review here(PDF, 2MB).