Arlington Boulevard Trail Study


Adjacent to both the north and south sides of the Arlington Boulevard corridor from the Jackson Street Pedestrian Bridge to George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA   View Map



As of Summer 2023, the project team has finalized the feasibility study which includes preferred design concepts for the seven segments of the Arlington Blvd Trail. Next steps include a VDOT comprehensive operational and safety review and a request for funds for design and construction during the next Capital Improvement Program process led by the County Manager's Office beginning in Fall 2023.

Read the Full Study

About the Study 

Project Background

The Arlington Boulevard Trail is a regional, primarily off-street multi-use trail that parallels Arlington Boulevard. Sections of the route are comprised of several elements including: existing off-street trails, on-street planned bike lanes, existing on-street bike lanes, and an existing on-street bikeway.  Some of the segments have uneven pavement and narrow passageways adjacent to Arlington Blvd.  

Planning Guidance

The 2019 Master Transportation Plan (MTP) – Bicycle Element identified the Arlington Blvd Trail in Appendix D, Bikeway Facility Projects, Section 2-14 as a recommended trail improvement. The recommendation states the project should “reconstruct portions of the Arlington Boulevard Trail, between Rosslyn and the Seven Corners area, to enhance user safety and usability. Reconstruction should include:

  • Resurfacing to achieve a minimum 10-foot paved width
  • Enhancing the crossings of highway ramps
  • Providing contra-flow facilities for those sections of one-way service road that constitute parts of the trail
  • Evaluate installation of trail lighting.

The Arlington Boulevard Trail is also identified in the Fort Myer Heights North Plan. (VDOT, Arlington) (2.0 miles)”  

This Study
Arlington Boulevard Trail map

As part of the Adopted Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Fiscal Years 2022 – 2024, the County Board provided guidance to the County Manager to conduct an engineering / feasibility study for the Arlington Boulevard Multi-Use Trail from Jackson Street to George Mason Drive, inclusive of Glebe Road, to inform a future CIP. The scope of this study would include a feasibility analysis, field survey, traffic data collection, coordination with VDOT, and a preliminary horizontal layout. The study is estimated to take 12 months. 


This study: 

  • Developed design concepts for improving existing sections of the trail, such as widening key pinch points and removing barriers and obstructions and
  • Identified the preferred routing and associated improvements at intersections and crossings, including but not limited to:
    • Curb ramps at intersections where currently deficient
    • Widening key pinch points to meet County trail width standards (10-12' preferred, 8’ minimum)
    • Removing barriers and obstructions along the trail
    • Providing direct path access and connections where feasible

Public Process 

Spring/Summer 2023 – Final Concept Designs

Community engagement for this final phase of the Arlington Boulevard Trail Study involved sharing the feedback gathered during previous engagement opportunities, illustrating the design concepts developed and refined during the study. The recording below highlights the study process and shares details of the final concept designs for each segment of the study area.

Video: Review the Final Concept Designs

Additionally, the project team presented the final design concepts from the study at the following Commission meetings in Spring 2023:

Next steps include a comprehensive operational and safety analysis review by the Virginia Department of Transportation and a request for funds for design and construction during the next Capital Improvement Program process led by the County Manager’s Office starting in Fall 2023.

Fall 2022 - Preliminary Concept Designs

The second phase of community engagement for the Arlington Boulevard Trail provided a variety of ways to learn more about the study, see the preliminary design concepts and share your feedback. This public engagement opportunity was open from November 17 through the end of the day on December 11, 2022. Following a review of the input received, the project team shared a summary of what we heard during this phase of public engagement, linked below.

Engagement Summary(PDF, 783KB)

Virtual Public Meeting

The project team hosted a virtual public meeting on November 17, 2022 from 7:00 - 8:30pm. We shared the preliminary design concepts for the seven segments of the Arlington Boulevard Trail within the study area and took questions from attendees.

Watch the meeting recording

Online Feedback Form

Review the preliminary alternatives for all seven segments, and share your thoughts on the possibilities in the online feedback form below. This form is now open until the end of the day on December 11, 2022. 

Community Pop-up Events

A pop-up community engagement event was held at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center on December 20, 2022 from 1-3pm. The project team solicited input on the preliminary concept design alternatives from patrons of the community center.

Summer 2022 - Existing Conditions Assessment

The first public engagement opportunity included a virtual public meeting to introduce the study and kick off the public process for this work. It also included a walking tour of the existing facilities in the study area, and an online feedback form to gather community input on what works and doesn't work on the existing Arlington Boulevard Trail today. This feedback will be used to inform the study moving forward.

Following analysis of the feedback we received in this public engagement opportunity, the project team summarized what we heard from the public and shared it back as a summary memo linked below.


Engagement Summary(PDF, 815KB)

Virtual Kick-Off Meeting

The project team held a virtual kick-off meeting to introduce the community to the study, share background information about how we got here today, and highlight the existing trail and street facilities for people walking and biking along the Arlington Blvd corridor. 

Meeting Details:

Walking Tour

The project team held a walking tour of the existing trail facilities and adjacent intersections and roadways as part of this public engagement opportunity.

Meeting Details:

Online Engagement Form

In addition to the kick-off meeting and walking tour, the project team also collected feedback via an online feedback form. The engagement summary above includes the results of that effort.


The Capital Improvement Program adopted by the County Board for Fiscal Years 2022-24 allocated $200,000 for an engineering feasibility study for the Arlington Boulevard Multi-Use Trail.