Arlington Memorial Trail


In Design

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) and its consultant have concluded preliminary feasibility studies of conceptual alignment options. The next phases of work will comprise evaluation for federal compliance and documentation for a full Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA phase will include public engagement to be led by County staff.

About the Project

Cemetary Wall Trail site context.png

Connectivity for pedestrian and bike users through the part of Arlington County between Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Route 110, and the Pentagon is complicated by the combined barrier effects of secured federal facilities as well as a high-volume roadway network that includes Arlington Boulevard (US 50), Washington Boulevard (Route 27), Richmond Highway (VA-110), I-395, and George Washington Memorial Parkway. 

Following on initial efforts under an agreement with the FHWA-EFLHD, the County is now advancing analysis and design for a new, multiuse trail facility extending from Memorial Avenue to the realigned intersection of Columbia Pike and Washington Boulevard. This project will proceed under general coordination with the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion (ANCSE) and the Defense Access Road (DAR) projects. 

Key agency stakeholders in this project include the Arlington National Cemetery, the Virginia Department of Transportation, the National Park Service, and the National Capital Planning Commission. 

Project Background

The Arlington Memorial Trail seeks to close a crucial “missing link” in the County’s Master Transportation Plan, providing a key, north-south bike-pedestrian route past many of these barriers, and links the major County corridors of Rosslyn-Ballston, Crystal City/Pentagon City, and Columbia Pike with Memorial Bridge and the monumental cores of both Arlington County and the District of Columbia.

Planning guidance for the Arlington Memorial Trail is provided by the County Board’s adopted comprehensive planning efforts to reconnect neighborhoods and communities historically divided by these infrastructural barriers. To this end, in coordination with the adopted Pentagon City Sector Plan, the proposed Crystal City Bike Network, and in support of both the Columbia Pike Multimodal and Army Navy Drive Complete Street and related projects, the ANC Wall Trail project seeks to extend a new level of safe, convenient connectivity to the neighborhoods of Foxcroft Heights, Penrose, Columbia Heights, Arlington Heights, Arlington Ridge, and Aurora Highlands. 

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Public Process

Like the public engagement process undertaken by ELFHD for the Arlington National Cemetery Defense Access Road project, the County team will implement an engagement effort in the coming months as part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) process.


To date, the County has provided funding to EFLHD for preliminary analysis, conceptual design, and project permitting. The County is currently applying for additional federal funding for final engineering design, procurement, and construction. The completed facility will be maintained by Arlington County as part of its ongoing trail network operations.