Army Navy Drive Protected Bike Lane
Army Navy Drive between Memorial Drive and South Joyce Street, 22202 View Map
38.86585651005128, -77.0639608472098
Army Navy Drive between Memorial Drive and South Joyce Street ,
Army Navy Drive between Memorial Drive and South Joyce Street ,
Army Navy Drive Protected Bike Lane
StatusIn Design
This project is in the final engineering design phase.
Estimated Project schedule:
- Spring 2022 - Conceptual design
- Spring to Summer 2022 - Public engagement on Conceptual Design
- Summer to Fall 2022 - Design Development
- Fall 2022 to Summer 2023 - Final engineering design
- Fall 2023 to Summer 2024 - VDOT Review, Revisions
- Summer 2024 to Spring 2025 - Permitting, Bid set preparation
- Spring 2025 - Procurement
- Summer 2025 - Anticipated start of construction
- Spring 2027 - Anticipated end of construction
About the Project
This project will provide enhanced bike facilities along one or both sides of Army Navy Drive between Memorial Drive and South Joyce Street. The goals are to enhance the street environment and improve travel conditions for all users. This “missing link” project will extend the reach of existing bike lanes by providing a connection to the adjacent Army Navy Drive Complete Streets project, creating a continuous link to the Crystal City Bike Network.
Improvements under consideration include physical separation of the existing bike lane, reconstructing and realigning sidewalks, adding street trees, modifying crosswalks, and upgrading road striping. Together these improvements will create a safer, more accessible, and more comfortable environment for all users along Army Navy Drive.
Project basis
The Master Transportation Plan Bicycle Element calls for this segment of Army Navy Drive to be reconstructed with enhanced bike facilities, providing a safe environment for people walking, biking, using transit and driving.
Public engagement for this segment of Army Navy Drive is underway and will continue in phases through fall 2021. Prior to this project, this section of the corridor was identified as a “missing link” for enhanced bicycle facilities by members of the community during public engagement for the Army Navy Drive Complete Streets project.
Summer 2021 - Existing Conditions
In the summer of 2021, The project team shared an online feedback form with stakeholders, community members and through county communication channels to gather and assess the community’s thoughts, ideas, and concerns about the existing conditions at the project location.
Engagement Materials
Winter 2021/2022 - Concept Design Engagement
The project team prepared two concept design alternatives for this corridor that incorporated the feedback received in the existing conditions engagement. We are currently reviewing public input collected during a public engagement on these alternatives to identify a preferred option to advance to final concept design. This engagement featured a virtual public meeting and an online feedback form.
View the Engagement Summary
Engagement Materials:
Public Meeting (January 19, 2021, 7:00 PM, Virtual)
Winter 2022/2023 - Public Information Update
The project team has been working since January 2022 to review public feedback received on the concept design alternatives and incorporate them into the selected concept. Recently, the team began pursuing an opportunity to coordinate this project’s concept design with other adjacent projects to improve the broader context of multimodal connections and route options within the project limits. The project team is working on revising the design of this project to reflect these changes and will be hosting a second, updated concept design engagement on the refined design in Spring/Summer 2023.
Fall 2023 - Project Update Open House
In November 2023, the project team joined staff from other nearby projects for a community open house for transportation projects in the Arlington View and Arlington Ridge neighborhoods. At the open house, attendees could learn more about the projects and speak with project managers about how we got here and what next steps are coming.
For this project, we shared 90% Design drawings of the revised design, which better connects the future Arlington View Connector trail to the forthcoming cycle track on Army Navy Drive.
The total project cost is estimated at $4.25 million. Funding comes from local commercial and industrial tax revenues dedicated to transportation and the County’s infrastructure investment fund for Crystal City.