The project was substantially completed in Fall of 2022.
About the Project
This work is part of the Columbia Pike multimodal project that will make Columbia Pike a safer, more accessible route for all users. Arlington is transforming this main thoroughfare into a complete street that balances all modes of travel and supports high-quality, high-frequency transit service.
Four bus stations were upgraded to become Transit Stations, which will provide a more efficient, accessible and pleasant passenger experience on one of the region's busiest bus corridors.
In addition to visible improvements to the road, the project included extensive work below the roadway to replace aging and leak-prone water and sewer pipes and to bury existing overhead utilities underground.
Streetscape improvements will include the following enhancements and amenities:
The project also includes The Pike sculpture to symbolize Columbia Pike's history as a thoroughfare and entry point to the community for people from all over the world. The sculpture is located on the corner of Columbia Pike and South Jefferson Street.
Public Process
Over the course of the project, County staff met with the community to provide updates.
Arlington County celebrated the completion of Segments H and I of the Columbia Pike Multimodal Project on Monday, November 14, 2022 at the Pike sculpture at the corner of Columbia Pike and South Jefferson Street.
Watch the recap video
This open house provided information on two Columbia Pike projects that had entered new phases of construction: Multimodal and Transit Stations.
Staff presented project updates to the County Board and community organizations:
Before and after photos of Segments H&I - improvements near South Jefferson Street
Before and after photos for Segments H&I showing improvements near South Greenbrier Street
Street improvement plan for Columbia Pike at Columbus Street
Street improvement plan for Columbia Pike at Frederick Street
Street improvement plan for Columbia Pike at Greenbrier Street
Street improvement plan for Columbia Pike at Jefferson Street
For Construction-Related QuestionsProject Office703-228-4719
Project Manager Susan Finotti 703-228-3735
Media Inquiries Claudia Pors 703-228-0745