The Courthouse-Clarendon neighborhood served by the project area includes a mix of residential, government, office, and retail development. It is served by Metrorail, Arlington Transit and Metrobus, Capital Bikeshare, and contains dedicated parking space for shared mobility devices.
- Clarendon and Wilson Boulevards are principal arterials in a one-way street pair. Their cross section generally consists of wide sidewalks, two vehicle travel lanes, striped bike lanes, standard parking on one or both sides, and transit stops.
- Posted speed limit is 25 mph
- N. Uhle Street is identified as a pedestrian promenade in the Courthouse Sector Plan, and the section between Clarendon Boulevard and 15th Street N is being delivered by the Courthouse Landmark Development project.
- N. Veitch Street is a minor arterial with one vehicle travel lane in each direction, sidewalks, and bike lanes which are either painted or protected, offering connections to Langston Boulevard and the Custis Trail to the north and Route 50 and the Route 50 Trail to the south.
- N. Wayne Street and N Adams Street are both neighborhood streets, with one lane in each direction. Pedestrian crossings of Clarendon Boulevard are signalized, while crossings of Wilson Boulevard are not signalized.
Arlington Resident Travel Survey (2021)
- Pre-pandemic, most Rosslyn-Ballston residents got to work using transit (54%), with 7% walking and 4% biking. The area had one of the lowest drive-alone commute rates of any home area, at 25%.
- Post pandemic, 68% of residents report teleworking. Those commuting to work reported driving alone (14%), taking transit (12%), and other modes (6%).
- Rosslyn-Ballston residents were also the most likely respondents walk for non-work trips and the second highest likely to take transit, of any home area, with 65% reporting walking and 35% reporting taking transit.