Lee Highway & Glebe Road Intersection Improvements


Intersection of Lee Highway and Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22207  View Map

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Construction Update – November 2021

The project reached substantial completion in September 2021, with final punch list items remaining. 

Dominion Energy crews are beginning their work to install streetlights throughout the project area. As well, Arlington County contracting crews will be working to address the project's final punch list items. This work will occur during daytime hours, and is anticipated to be completed in January 2022.

About the Project

Please note: Lee Highway is Langston Boulevard in Arlington as of 2021.

The Lee Highway (Route 29) and Glebe Road (Route 120) Intersection Improvements project implements safety, access, and travel time improvements for motorists, pedestrians, and transit riders at the intersection.

2004 traffic analysis identified considerable traffic backups at the Lee Highway and Glebe Road intersection. The backups resulted in traffic cutting through the neighborhood.

The project will use planning and design elements from the Lee Highway Visioning Study and the Master Transportation Plan.

Anticipated improvements include:

  • Installation of left-turn lanes for Glebe Road, which will ensure safer turning movements and reduce delays
  • Wider sidewalks
  • Upgraded traffic signals and new pedestrian signals
  • Enhanced street lighting
  • Undergrounding of utilities to improve accessibility and mobility
  • Upgraded transit stops
  • Landscaping (where possible)

On Dec. 14, 2019, the County Board approved a $3.88 million contract with Rustler Construction, Inc., to build the project's streetscape and bus stop upgrades. This phase began construction in May 2020, with substantial completion in September 2021. It constructed exclusive left turn lanes along North Glebe Road, upgraded traffic signal equipment and streetlights, upgraded the traffic signal’s phasing and timings, upgraded water mains and stormwater infrastructure, enhanced crosswalks and bus stops, widened sidewalks, and provided ADA-accessible curb ramps and commercial driveway aprons.

Public Process

County staff has met with various civic associations to share design plans. Comments received at these meetings have been incorporated into the design, along with feedback received from adjoining property owners during the easement acquisition process.

  • Oct. 30, 2019 - Construction Update Presentation
  • February 2017 - Lee Highway & Glebe Road Improvements Presentation
  • Nov. 4, 2015 – Presentation to Waverly Hills Civic Association to provide an update.
  • Nov. 14, 2012 – Presentation to Waverly Hills Civic Association to share the 75% design plan.
  • June 22, 2010 – Presentation to Glebe Commons HOA to receive input on the concept plan.
  • March 18, 2010 – Presentation to Old Dominion Civic Association to receive input on the concept plan.
  • March 4, 2010 – Presentation to Glebewood Civic Association to receive input on the concept plan.
  • Feb. 22, 2010 – Shared the concept plan electronically with the Waverly Hills Civic Association.


The project is funded for design and construction through a County partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation.