Mobility Hub Pilot - Courthouse


In Design

A new concept design is currently being developed based on the Mobility Hub guidebook developed by the County in 2021, public input, new mobility patterns, and recent changes in the project location. These forms of input will then be used to update a concept design developed in 2021.


N Uhle Street from Clarendon Boulevard to 15th Street N, and N Veitch St/15th Street N from Clarendon Boulevard to N Courthouse Road


About Project

The Courthouse Plaza Mobility Hub pilot will develop a concept design to better integrate existing transportation infrastructure, improve transfers between different transportation options and help people reach their destinations in the Courthouse area more easily. Mobility hub elements will be integrated into existing streetscape improvements in the area.

What is a Mobility Hub?

Mobility Hubs are public spaces that make it easy to connect to and from different transportation options, particularly walking, biking, shared mobility (e.g., bikeshare, scootershare, carshare, taxicabs, rideshare), public transit, and electric vehicle charging.  

While these spaces often naturally occur in places like outside Metro stations, mobility hubs improve on these spaces through better design. This can include changes to the space that improve the waiting experience for buses, make transfers between transportation modes more convenient, and add placemaking and wayfinding elements to help better orient people and create a more enjoyable public space.


Illustration of mobility hub elements in one place, including directional signs, specialty lighting, elevated planters, integrated seating, digital wayfinding, event banners, bike racks, and an identity sign.

Project Goals

  • Co-locate transportation options present in Courthouse Plaza to provide more seamless transfers between them. 
  • Provide timely and relevant travel information for customers by incorporating elements such as wayfinding, signage/kiosks, real‐time passenger info, etc. 
  • Create more opportunities for orderly parking of bicycles and scooters.
  • Expand placemaking elements on site to make the area more active and inviting for residents, workers, and visitors.
  • Improve overall travel experience through the area to encourage more people to make use of sustainable modes of transportation.


Project Background

Mobility Hub Guidebook

Mobility Hub Guidebook

  • The Mobility Hub Guidebook includes a pilot concept design for a Courthouse Plaza Mobility Hub, which was developed before the completion of adjacent developments and streetscape improvements.

Envision Courthouse Square

Envision Courthouse Square

  • This 2015 update to the Courthouse Sector Plan proposes that the Courthouse area “will serve as a central transportation node with connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, Metro and bus riders and drivers,” with specific recommendations that have been partially implemented by new developments in the area.


About the Process

This section serves as a project timeline, highlighting key project milestones by season and year. Content under these headings can include public engagement opportunities (such as public meetings, presentations to community groups, online feedback) but can also include other project milestones (such as construction start, or project design funded).

Summer 2024 – Project Start and Data Collection

Engagement Level: Communicate

  • Notify community members of project
  • Share general information about mobility hubs

Early Fall 2024 – Public Outreach

Engagement Level: Involve

  • Discuss how you currently use the study area and share specific ideas via:
    • Online feedback form
    • Pop-up event at Courthouse Plaza

Late Fall 2024 – Concept Development

Engagement Level: Involve

  • See how your ideas were incorporated into the draft concept design
  • Provide additional feedback at a pop-up event at Courthouse Plaza or via e-mail

Winter 2024/Spring 2025 – Final Design

Engagement Level: Communicate

  • View final concept design



This project is locally funded through the Transportation Capital Fund (TCF).