Roadway characteristics
Shirlington Road is a minor arterial road. South of Kemper Street, Shirlington Road has two vehicle lanes in each direction, a northbound bicycle lane, and no parking. North of Kemper Street, Shirlington Road has one vehicle lane in each direction and a center two-way-left-turn lane. It also has bicycle lanes in each direction, and parallel parking on the west side of the road.
The posted speed limit is 25 mph. The average weekday 85th percentile speed was 28 mph (2021 Streetlight Location-Based data).
This section of road is close to a variety of community amenities, including parks (Drew Park, John Robinson Jr. Town Square, Jennie Dean Park), trails (W&OD, Four Mile Run), churches, and other recreation facilities, such as the Charles Drew Community Center. This corridor is within the walk zone of Drew Elementary School. There are also several other schools nearby (Wakefield High School, Claremont Elementary School, and Gunston Middle School). The commercial uses along this roadway section are often frequented by larger vehicles.
This corridor serves WMATA’s 10B, 23A, 23B, and 23T transit routes, as well as ART’s 87 transit route.