Resurfacing Projects for Complete Streets - 2021 Season
Wilson Boulevard between N Frederick Street and N George Mason Drive
N Lynn Street between Route 50 (Arlington Blvd) and Wilson Blvd
Staff have reviewed the annual list of projects up for routine maintenance and identified a subset of streets for projects:
- Wilson Boulevard between N Frederick Street and N George Mason Drive
- N Lynn Street between Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard) and Wilson Boulevard
Community feedback about current experiences with the street segments, along with other available data, such as plan guidance and crash data, informed the development of concept designs. Community feedback on the concept designs refined the final concepts, which were implemented in Summer/Fall of 2021.
About the Projects
Complete Streets “enable safe access by all user groups including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit vehicles and users, and motorists of all ages and abilities.” One of the ways Arlington County delivers on the Master Transportation Plan Complete Streets policy is to review the annual list of streets up for routine maintenance and identify those that might benefit from improvements to provide safe access for all people using the street.
2021 Projects
- Segment 1 – Wilson Boulevard – N Frederick Street to N George Mason Drive (Bluemont)
- Segment 2 – N Lynn Street – Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard) and Wilson Boulevard
Project schedule
While specific project schedules may vary, this is a general timeline for these types of projects.
- Early Spring 2021 – Staff shares information on the potential projects and asks community members to share their experiences on these streets.
- Staff will use public feedback, existing plan guidance and other data to develop concept plans unique to the conditions at each location.
- Late Spring 2021 – Concept plans are shared with the public before implementation.
- Summer/Fall 2021 – Resurfacing and remarking work are completed for these projects.
What types of improvements can be made through street maintenance?
Treatments for each roadway segment will depend on existing conditions, plan guidance and community feedback.
Past improvements made through the Resurfacing for Complete Streets program include:
- Shortening crossings for people walking through curb bump outs, medians or median extensions and bike lanes.
- Increasing clarity by formalizing travel lanes and adding high visibility markings and advance signage.
- Providing more separation between people driving and people biking through buffered or protected bike lanes.
- Reducing vehicle speeds with pavement markings, including bike lanes or medians, curb bump outs, medians and signage.
- Providing better sight lines and more controlled vehicle turning movements through curb bump outs and pedestrian islands.
Check out some visuals from past projects.
Community Engagement Process
Segment 2: N. Lynn Street
Final Concept - August 2021
Based on community feedback from the August public engagement, along with plan and national guidance, staff revised the concept design to create a final concept for implementation.
Video Presentation - Concept Design
In Summer 2021, staff prepared a short video and graphics for a proposed N Lynn Street design concept. It shares what informed the concept design, and walks through the plans for this segment.
Review materials:
Community feedback was collected in August 2021 and was reviewed by staff to help refine a final concept.
Segment 1: Wilson Blvd
Final Concept - August 2021
Based on community feedback from May and June, along with plan and national guidance, staff revised the concept design to create a final concept.
Virtual Meeting #2 - June 21, 2021
Staff hosted a second online open house on this project in late June. Staff shared what community feedback was heard in after the first meeting and presented concept plans utilizing that feedback.
If you were unable to attend the online open house, the meeting presentation, a recording and the concept designs are available.
Review meeting materials:
Concept Design
Your experiences of the streets, along with existing plan guidance and other data, helped staff develop a final concept unique to the conditions at this location. Feedback was collected in late June and can be viewed below.
Online Open House #1 – May/June 2021
A virtual open house provided background information about the street section and the program. Community members were able to share their experiences of the street to help staff develop concept plans.
Your experiences of the streets, along with existing plan guidance and other data, helped staff develop a concept design unique to the conditions at this location. Feedback was collected in late May and early June, and can be viewed below.