S. George Mason Drive - Arlington Blvd to Columbia Pike


In Design

The project is currently in the preliminary stages of obtaining survey and reviewing existing conditions, data and concept design from the S. George Mason Drive Multimodal Transportation Study.


The project area is along S George Mason Drive between Arlington Boulevard and Columbia Pike.

About the Project

The project implements recommendations for complete streets improvements and safety interventions from the S. George Mason Drive Multimodal Transportation Study. It will deliver intersection safety improvements, wider sidewalks, and a multi-use trail on the east side of the corridor.

SGMD1_seg1 project limits map.png

Project Goals

  • Improve safety and access along S. George Mason Drive for all users including people walking, biking, taking transit and driving.

Project Background

Planning guidance for the S. George Mason Drive Multimodal Transportation Study that developed the recommendations and concept design for this project comes from the following County Board-adopted plans and policies:

Master Transportation Plan

  • Bike Element: Recommends providing an enhanced bicycle facility along the entirety of S. George Mason Drive to provide improve north-south bicycling within Arlington.
  • Streets Element: Calls for Complete Streets improvements across the county’s transportation network, especially on arterial roads, to serve all road users.
  • Pedestrian Element: Calls for projects to improve walkways and increase walking for transportation with high-quality facilities

Transit Strategic Plan

  • Provides guidance for improving access to better transit stops and improving service delivery through capital projects.

Vision Zero Action Plan

  • Calls for Capital Projects to address safety issues that can lead to severe and fatal crashes as part of the Countywide effort to eliminate severe injuries and fatalities from our transportation network by 2030.


Public Process

A revised concept design public engagement opportunity is planned for late 2024 or early 2025. Information will be shared here in the near future. 

For more information about the existing conditions and initial concept designs for this segment of S. George Mason Drive, please visit the S. George Mason Drive Multimodal Transportation Study page.


This capital project is funded by the County's adopted 2025-2034 Capital Improvement Program using local revenues and anticipated federal funding.