Similar Transit Stations & Costs

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The following approximate costs are based on publicly available information submitted to the Federal Transit Administration as project estimates. Keep in mind all projects have unique characteristics and varying site conditions; as such the comparisons are only meant for reference.

Norfolk, Va.

Norfolk Tide

Norfolk Tide

Approximate Cost: $762,000

Line Name: Tide

Mode: Light Rail Transit (LRT)

Charlotte, N.C.

Charlotte LYNX Transit Station

Charlotte LYNX

Approximate Cost: $757,000

Line Name: LYNX

Mode: Light Rail Transit (LRT)

Eugene, Ore.

Existing East Emx station

Existing East Emx station. Future West Emx station will probably be similar.

Approximate Cost: $445,000

Line Name: West Emx

Mode: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Concept image of Grand Rapids Silver Line
Grand Rapids Silver Line

Approximate Cost: $662,000

Line Name: Silver Line

Mode: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Montgomery County, Md.

Montgomery County Corridor Cities Transitway

Montgomery County Corridor Cities Transitway

Approximate Cost: $1.6-$2 million

Line Name: Corridor Cities Transitway

Mode: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Minneapolis, Minn.

Transit Station Minneapolis Hiawatha

Minneapolis Hiawatha

Approximate Cost: $1.755 million

Line Name: Hiawatha

Mode: Light Rail Transit (LRT)