South Eads Street Complete Street (12th St. S. to Army Navy Dr.)


South Eads Street from 12th Street South to Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202  View Map

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    Construction Update - Fall 2024

    Crews will be installing conduits and junction boxes for streetlights and performing concrete work in the sidewalk from 11th Street South to 12th Street South. Pedestrian access will be detoured to the concrete sidewalk along the new apartment building (Sage) at the northeast corner of 12th Street South and South Eads Street.

    About the Project

    For the segment between 12th Street South and Army Navy Drive, the project team is working with the Department of Parks & Recreation to deliver streetscape and bicycle facility improvements in coordination with adjacent projects. As of Spring 2022, the design is advancing to 90% in coordination with the adjacent new park at South Eads Street and Army Navy Drive project.

    Anticipated Project Schedule:

    • Concept (30%) design - Winter 2021
    • Final engineering & design – Spring 2023
    • Procurement for a contractor – Fall 2023
    • Anticipated construction start – Fall 2024
    • Target construction completion – Fall 2025

    South Eads Street Complete Street Corridor

    The Master Transportation PlanCrystal City Sector Plan and corresponding Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study call for South Eads Street to be reconstructed into a complete street – a safe environment for all travel modes including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and vehicles.

    The width and cross section of South Eads Street varies from north to south. The cross section is the configuration of all elements along the street – sidewalk, landscape area, parking lanes, etc. The existing condition of the pavement on South Eads Street is poor and the layout of the street is primarily oriented toward vehicular use.

    In fall 2014, the County implemented a pilot project to convert South Eads Street into a complete street. The pilot project realigned South Eads Street between 15th Street South and 23rd Street South in the existing curb-to-curb space to accommodate all modes of travel. The four-lane roadway was converted into three lanes: two through lanes and a center two-way left turn lane, with a new protected bike facility. Pedestrian crossings were upgraded, and parking lanes reconfigured.

    Since the installation of the pilot segment, other bike facilities have been added to the remainder of the corridor between South Glebe Road and 12th Street South.

    Additional work is underway to further improve the segment of South Eads Street between 12th Street South and 15th Street South – learn more on the project page.

    About This Segment

    Design and construction will be coordinated and completed with the construction of the new park at South Eads Street and Army Navy Drive project. Along with the segment of S. Eads between 12th Street S. and 15th Street S., the final product will extend the existing roadway configuration south of 15th Street to connect with new facilities in design as part of the Army Navy Drive Complete Street project.

    The graphics below illustrate the general layout of the design plans in development:

    These designs will include an interim condition for southbound bicycle and pedestrian facilities. A final condition for the southbound side will be constructed in conjunction with the development of the adjacent PenPlace redevelopment.

    Public Process

    The 12th Street to Army Navy Drive segment of South Eads Street is tied to the redevelopment of the PenPlace block, as well as DPR’s development of a new park at South Eads Street and Army Navy Drive. The west (south-bound) side of this segment will be delivered as part of the PenPlace site plan, while the east (northbound) side is being delivered by the County through the capital improvement plan. 

    Winter 2022/2023 - 100% Design Communication

    Following the approval of the PenPlace Site Plan in Spring 2022, the project team moved forward with final design and engineering of the complete streets project. The PenPlace Site Plan includes the final designs for the west side of the corridor, which were used to adjust the final concept design to fit the space available in the final future condition. These designs were developed with significant public input as part of the Site Plan Review process.

    The Design Update below walks you through how the design evolved from Concept to 100% Design, and highlights where changes were made to balance the needs of all modes of transportation on this important segment of S. Eads Street.

    Review the Design Update


    Spring 2022 - Final Concept Design

    Following engagement on the concept design, the project team incorporated feedback received from the community into a final concept design for the public right-of-way included in this project. 

    Learn more about the Final Concept Design

    As noted in the Fall/Winter 2021 Engagement Opportunity, this project is on an accelerated timetable to allow for procurement and construction alongside the adjacent parks project. No further public engagement is scheduled, and regular updates to the community will be provided via the Crystal City-Pentagon City Transportation Update Newsletter. Sign up on the right-hand side of this page to receive these updates.


    Fall/Winter 2021 - Concept Design Engagement

    Beginning in 2021, DES staff worked on coordinating the delivery of the transportation component with the construction of the Park to be efficient and minimize construction disturbance. To do this, DES and DPR staff have developed a truncated timetable for design and delivery of both the park and the adjacent streetscape.

    The project team launched a dedicated public engagement opportunity to gather input on the concept design for the County's portion of this corridor of S. Eads Street. The team gathered feedback using the online engagement form, and held a community meeting to share details about the concept design and answer questions about the project.

    A summary of the public engagement opportunity is available below. It includes a synopsis of what the project team heard during the engagement and next steps for this project.


    2019 - Project on Hold

    Work on the County's portion of this segment of South Eads Street was put on hold when DPR’s public engagement process began in 2019, before resuming in 2021.

    Transportation engagement staff worked with their counterparts at DPR to review public comments provided for the park planning effort and identify comments related to the design of the right-of-way to be incorporated into this project

    Earlier Engagement

    Prior to these efforts, design work was undertaken to align the streetscape with the cross-section used in the South Eads Street pilot project, implemented in 2014. Initial public engagement was conducted through stakeholder meetings and presentations



    Funding comes from local commercial and industrial tax revenues dedicated to transportation and the County’s infrastructure investment fund.