South Eads Street Complete Street (12th St. S. - 15th St. S.)


South Eads Street from 15th Street South to 12th Street South,  22202  View Map

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Construction is scheduled to begin in August of 2024, with a target for completion in Fall-Winter 2025.

South Eads 12th to 15th existing conditions facing north

Traffic Impacts During Construction

Construction of the project will take place in coordination with other related and ongoing work in the vicinity. During this time, travelers should expect periodic, temporary lane closures, pedestrian detours, a bus stop relocation, and slower traffic volumes.

Work areas will be marked with maintenance-of-traffic (MOT) measures including flagging personnel, barriers (e.g., cones, barrels, etc.) and signage to help ensure safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

About the Project

This project will provide complete streets upgrades along the northbound side of South Eads Street between 12th Street South and 15th Street South to improve travel conditions for all road users.

The existing streetscape includes a partially protected bike lane, inconsistent sidewalk , and a lack of street lighting. Planned improvements include adding physical protection to the existing bike lane, reconstructing and realigning sidewalks, adding street lighting, and making necessary utility modifications and upgrades. Together, these improvements will create a safer, more accessible, and more comfortable environment for all users of the street.

The southbound side of the street now incorporates improvements completed as part of the Met Park Phase 6-8 development.

Project Phases

As part of the complex coordination between projects on the 12th Street South corridor the S. Eads St. Complete Street project will avoid the present utility work at 12th Street South by starting construction at the 15th Street end of the project site, progressing northward to the 12th Street South intersection over the next 18 months.

Driveway entrances along South Eads Street will each be replaced in stages to minimize traffic disruptions. 

Project Phases

Phase 1: 15th Street South to the 14th Street South

Beginning in August 2024, the curbside (northbound) lane and adjacent sidewalk will be partially closed in segments while they are demolished and replaced along with installation of the bike lane.

Phase 2: 14th Street South to 12th Street South

Phase two will begin after the completion of phase one, and will incorporate the same types of improvements as Phase 1 in addition to relocation of the existing ART bus stop. Timing of this phase of work is contingent on the conclusion of Phase 1, but is tentatively slated for late spring of 2025.

South Eads Street Complete Street Corridor

The Master Transportation PlanCrystal City Sector Plan and corresponding Crystal City Multimodal Transportation Study call for South Eads Street to be reconstructed into a complete street – a safe environment for all travel modes including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and vehicles.

The width and cross section of South Eads Street varies from north to south. The cross section is the configuration of all elements along the street – sidewalk, landscape area, parking lanes, etc. The existing condition of the pavement on South Eads Street is poor and the layout of the street is primarily oriented toward vehicular use.

In fall 2014, the County implemented a pilot project to convert South Eads Street into a complete street. The pilot project realigned South Eads Street between 15th Street South and 23rd Street South in the existing curb-to-curb space to accommodate all modes of travel. The four-lane roadway was converted into three lanes: two through lanes and a center two-way left turn lane, with a new protected bike facility. Pedestrian crossings were upgraded and parking lanes reconfigured.

Since the installation of the pilot segment, other bike facilities have been added to the remainder of the corridor between South Glebe Road and 12th Street South.

Additional work is underway to further improve the segment of South Eads Street between 12th Street South and Army Navy Drive.

Public Process

The project team is engaging with the community throughout the process of the project.

Fall 2023 - 100% Design Plans

The project team has developed a 100% design plan for this project.

Winter 2022-2023 90% - Design Update

The project team has developed a Design Update to share more about how the design and engineering process has progressed since the Concept Design Engagement. It includes updates about our progress and walks you through several key design decisions informed by your input.

Read the Design Update


Winter 2021-2022 - Concept Design Engagement

This concept design engagement phase centers on a concept design for this corridor that incorporates the Met Park 6/7/8 development streetscape plans. The concept design was developed by the project team to incorporate feedback received in the existing conditions engagement into the designs for this corridor. This engagement featured a virtual public meeting and an online feedback form. 

Engagement Materials:


Spring-Summer 2021 - Existing Conditions Engagement

Preliminary public engagement has been completed for this segment of the South Eads Street complete street corridor. We asked to hear from you about your experiences with this street as it exists today, so we can incorporate your feedback into a concept design for the future of this segment. This engagement focused on the east (northbound) side of the street. The feedback form was open from April 9 to April 23, 2021.

Engagement Materials:


2019 - Adjacent Development / Project Scoping

Prior to engagement for this capital project, this segment of South Eads Street was discussed as part of engagement related to the Met Park Phases 6-8 development. During that process, the developer agreed to add improvements along the west side of the street as part of their project. These improvements include a protected bike facility, new signals and safety elements and an expanded sidewalk. Additional details are available on the project website for the development application.



The total project cost is estimated at $1.8 million. Funding comes from local commercial and industrial tax revenues dedicated to transportation and the County’s infrastructure investment fund for Crystal City.