This section of South Four Mile Run Drive will pilot a roadway reconfiguration identified in the Four Mile Run Valley Area Plan. The project can be implemented using low-cost, interim measures to facilitate easy installation and evaluation. The data collected will help determine the viability of longer-term roadway reconstructions that could potentially add sidewalks, landscaping and green infrastructure, as appropriate.
The County’s adopted Vision Zero Action Plan, adopted in 2020, highlights South Four Mile Run Drive as part of the County’s High-Injury Network (i.e., corridors in the county with higher densities of crashes resulting in a serious or fatal injury) and identifies crash hot spots including the intersection of South Four Mile Run Drive and South Walter Reed Drive and Shirlington Road and 27th Street South, which are located on either ends of the project corridor.
County staff will assess and address safety issues along South Four Mile Run Drive as part of this project, as well as other projects and initiatives, to continue to work toward safer conditions throughout the corridor.