Vacation Lane & Lorcom Lane Intersection Improvements Project


Lorcom Lane, Arlington, VA 22207  View Map

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In Design

The project team is currently in the preliminary stages of obtaining survey and understanding existing conditions.

About the Project

Project Goals

  • Improve safety for all users including people walking, biking and driving.

Project Basis

Planning guidance from this project comes from the following County Board-adopted plans and policies:

Master Transportation Plan

  • Streets Element: Calls for Complete Streets improvements across the county’s transportation network, especially on arterial roads, to serve all road users.
  • Pedestrian Element: Calls for projects to improve walkways and increase walking for transportation with high-quality facilities

Vision Zero Action Plan

  • Calls for Capital Projects to address safety issues that can lead to severe and fatal crashes as part of the Countywide effort to eliminate severe injuries and fatalities from our transportation network by 2030.

Public Process

Details for public engagement opportunities will be shared here.


This capital project is funded by the County's Capital Improvement Program using local funds.