Crystal Houses Public Space

Concept Design


Design Process Begins: 3rd Quarter 2019

Design Process Ends: 4th Quarter 2019

About the Project

The private redevelopment of the “Crystal Houses” block allows for new privately-owned but publicly-accessible space for the community to enjoy. As part of the site plan process, the developer, Roseland Residential Trust, will design and build two public spaces as part of its new development. Arlington County is collaborating with and providing guidance to Roseland as the developer creates concepts for the public spaces and shares them with the public.  The community’s input will help to inform Roseland’s design.

Two public spaces envisioned by the Crystal City Sector Plan will be built with the Crystal Houses project and will be larger than the plan anticipated.

  1. 20th and Eads Street Park- A linear park (.7 acres) from S. Eads Street into the development, approved by the County Board as part of the Crystal Houses III site plan in 2017, will have open lawn for casual use, a tennis table, two plazas, pathways and shade trees.
  2. S Fern St. Corner Park – The corner of 22nd Street/Fern Park (approximately .5 acres) will be transformed into a new public space

About the Process

Crystal Houses Public Engagement Timeline

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Private Developer Funded


1900 S. Eads St, Arlington, VA 22202  View Map

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