Columbia Pike Multimodal Street Improvements



Construction is in progress on segments F, A, D, and C. Travelers will experience lane closures and other traffic impacts to accommodate the necessary utility undergrounding, sidewalk widening, and other aspects involved with construction.


Project Update

Segments F, A, D, and C

Work began on Segment F and Segment A in 2022, Segment D work started in 2023, and Segment C began in spring of 2024. All segments will experience lane closures throughout construction to accommodate the necessary utility undergrounding, sidewalk widening, and other aspects involved with these phases. For progress updates and traffic impacts, visit each segment's project pages.

Columbia Pike has reopened in its realigned form between South Nash Street and South Joyce Street as part of the Arlington National Cemetery Defense Access Road (DAR) project. South Joyce Street and South Nash Street are closed to vehicle access.

About the Project

The goal of this project is to make Columbia Pike a safer, more accessible route for all users. Arlington is transforming this main thoroughfare into a complete street that balances all modes of travel and supports high-quality, high-frequency transit service.

Along with visible improvements to the road, extensive work is occurring below the roadway to replace aging and leak-prone water and sewer pipes and to move existing overhead utilities underground.

Project Segments

The Columbia Pike Multimodal Street Improvements project will be completed in segments from the County line on the west to South Joyce Street on the east. Project progress and traffic detours will be shared on each segment page.

Project Segment Map

Transit Stations

Transit stations will make travel along the corridor safer, more attractive, and accessible for everyone. Construction of the stations is being coordinated with the Columbia Pike Multimodal project.

The transit stations will real-time arrival information, shelters, and benches, and will feature artwork inspired by the community. Preparation for transit stations will include undergrounding utilities and streetscape improvements ahead of installing the transit stations.

DES Columbia Pike Step Combined Process Image

Columbia Pike Multimodal Transportation Study

The Columbia Pike Multimodal Transportation Study examined existing and future transportation conditions and developed a preliminary design for street improvements along Columbia Pike to ensure the corridor achieves an appropriate balance of travel options.

The analysis explored alternatives with the following improvements:

  • Reconfigured travel and transit lanes, medians, and left-turn lanes
  • Signalized and un-signalized intersections
  • On-street parking
  • Areas to be readied for existing and future transit services, including concrete pads, wider sidewalks, curb, gutter and utility undergrounding
  • Enhanced pedestrian crossings
  • Landscaped median areas and street trees
  • Parallel bike routes near Columbia Pike to the north and south of the corridor

Public Process

The following information is related to community outreach and public involvement for the overall Multimodal Street Improvements project.

Past Community Engagements

Summer 2019 Community Outreach

County staff attended community events to inform residents about current and upcoming construction for the Columbia Pike Multimodal and Transit Stations projects. Read our flyer that summarizes both projects in English or Spanish

April 23, 2019 - Penrose Civic Association Meeting

March 26, 2012 - Walter Reed Community Center

Oct. 25, 2011 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting

April 26, 2011 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting

Nov. 30, 2010 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting

Sept. 22, 2010 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting

March 24, 2010 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting

Dec. 14, 2009 - Columbia Pike Implementation Team Meeting



This $114 million project is funded with a combination of local commercial property taxes dedicated to transportation and regional transportation funds from the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority.