Ft. Myer Heights Water Main Improvement


North Rhodes Street from 14th Street North to North Quinn Street, Arlington, VA   View Map

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About the Project

This project is for the construction of a 12-inch water main along North Rhodes Street from 14th Street North to North Quinn Street, including suspending the new main under the bridge over Arlington Boulevard. The proposed water main will improve fire flow capacity and provide an additional supply to the Ft. Myer Heights neighborhood. 

About the Process

The project is expected to begin in the Summer 2022. The anticipated completion time is Spring 2023.

The contractor will limit noise-generating work to the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No weekend work is anticipated. Other tasks may be addressed during the hours immediately before and after that window.

Water service disruptions will be minimal, limited to when the new main is connected to the existing system. Disruptions due to main connections should not last more than 8 hours. Advance notice will be given to residents prior to any planned water shut offs.