Public Spaces Master Plan (PSMP) Update Advisory Committee Charge

PSMP Update Advisory Committee: The PSMP Update Advisory Committee (UAC) is appointed by the County Manager.

Charge: The PSMP Update Advisory Committee is established and charged with advising the County Manager on the PMSP Update and assisting staff with the Update process and recommendations. The responsibilities of the PSMP Update Advisory Committee shall include, but are not limited to the following tasks:

  • Assist staff and the consultant in developing a community engagement plan and provide strategic guidance in ways to resolve matters of community process during the study;
  • Assist staff in public engagement;
  • Act as liaison to inform public feedback to staff. In the case of representatives of County Board Advisory Commissions, act as liaisons to and from their respective Commissions;
  • Assist staff in determining important activities to be undertaken to keep the project moving;
  • Ensuring that the project meets its stated deliverables and evaluating and affirming its planned directions;
  • Advise staff on issues with policy, content, directions and other aspects of the PSMP and keep interested groups and agencies abreast of project processes and recommendations;
  • Provide guidance to staff for ensuring efficient PSMP Update development and adoption process, including recommendations on ways to resolve any matters of the community process;
  • Review drafts, final recommendations and reports;
  • Act as an unbiased sounding board during the development of the PSMP Update;
  • Participate in workshops, focus group meetings, and countywide public meetings when applicable and;
  • Assist staff in promoting and advocating for the PSMP Update and to build awareness in the community of the importance of Arlington’s public spaces to the health and vitality of residents.

Membership: The PSMP Update Advisory Committee shall consist of representatives from  different County Commissions and County staff most pertinent to this project: Park and Recreation Commission (1) Co-Chair; County Staff (1) Co-Chair; Park and Recreation Commission (1); Planning Commission (1); Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (1); Sports Commission (1); Urban Forestry Commission (1); E2C2 (1); Commission for the Arts (1); County Staff (1); At large (2); Arlington Public Schools (1). A County Board member will be appointed as a liaison to the Committee.

Anticipated Commitment Level: It is anticipated that the PSMP Update Advisory Committee will hold meetings at least once a month.

Staffing: A Project Manager from the Department of Parks and Recreation will work with the Co-Chairs to facilitate the meetings and processes of the Committee. An Arlington County interdepartmental team will provide staff resources to the PSMP Update Advisory Committee.

Deliverables. The UAC will work collaboratively with staff to implement the Broad Community Outreach and provide guidance for the development of the PSMP Update.