Staff began in the summer 2018 by asking the public about on-street parking in residential areas, in general. Through a series of pop-up events and an online comment form, staff identified major themes about RPP from the more-than-1,600 responses received.
In the fall of 2018, staff hosted a series of three community forums organized around the themes identified with over 200 people in attendance (for details about the forums, view). The forums helped staff get insights into what the public thinks works and does not work about the program, discover areas of agreement and disagreement, and identified additional topics that were not apparent during the initial public input.
Using the insights from the forums, staff developed a household survey with a consultant in Spring 2019. Survey invitations went to 60,000 County households, and about 4,500 residents answered questions about their perceptions of the RPP Program, as well as preferences for the future of the RPP Program (for details about the survey view)