Arlington Complete Count Committee (CCC)

Note: Data collection for the 2020 Census ended Oct. 15, 2020. View the Arlington County Census 2020 Final Report

A group of Arlingtonians

The Complete Count Committee (CCC) is key to creating Census awareness in Arlington County.

The 2020 Census provides an opportunity for everyone to be counted. Local governments like Arlington County, community based organizations, faith-based groups, schools, businesses, local leaders and more all play an important role in developing partners to educate and motivate residents for participation in the Census.

When community members are well informed and aware, they are more likely to respond to the census. Via our collaborative partnerships, the County can reach the shared goal of counting everyone in 2020.

U.S. Census Bureau Complete Count Committee Guide

Arlington County CCC Meetings and Materials

cartoon graphic of three people waving

Who Is on the Complete Count Committee?

The Arlington Complete Count Committee (CCC) is a volunteer group established by the County Manager made up of community leaders to increase awareness and motivate residents to respond to the 2020 Census. CCC members serve as Census Ambassador and play an integral part in ensuring a complete and accurate count of the community. Success of the census depends on community involvement at every level. The U.S. Census Bureau cannot conduct the 2020 Census alone.

View full list of current members

Roles – Serve as 2020 Census Ambassadors by increasing awareness and motivating residents to respond to the 2020 Census. Implement countywide 2020 Census Campaign that ensures a high response rate among all residents in the County.



  • Actively participate on the Complete Count Committee
  • Build knowledge about the importance of 2020 Census for Arlington
  • Work together to ensure that every Arlington resident is counted
  • Recruit and liaison with 2020 Census Partners (collective target = 1,000 by December 2019)
  • Serve as a 2020 Census Ambassador

Subcommittee Leadership

  • Organize, lead and/or participate on at least one subcommittee that is made up of Arlington Census Partners.
  • Note: there will be multiple subcommittees
  • Work with subcommittee to develop an action plan to implement special events and activities.
  • Work with subcommittee to develop a communication strategy which will encourage participation and overcome barriers
  • Work with sub-committee to identify and focus on areas of the community that may need extra assistance or populations groups that are considered “hard to count.”

Build the Count

  • Build on Census Bureau themes to build awareness and promote participation in Census 2020
  • Participate in presentations, offer informational sessions, and other fun engagement activities with partners and other groups about the importance of the Census and why participation matters
  • Work with partners and others to encourage full participation, with special emphasis on hard to count target communities
  • Work collectively with the CCC, Partners, and others to ensure that every Arlington resident is counted
  • Encourage residents and households who don’t initially respond to cooperate with census takers