Highlights from Previous Opportunities

Highlights from 2024

July 2024 | Woodmont Park Playground Renovation Engagement Summary: From July 3 to July 28, 2024, staff gathered feedback on existing conditions and three draft concept designs for Woodmont Park's playground. A detailed summary of the community's responses and the raw comments are here: Engagement #1 summary and Raw engagement dataThe project team is now working to develop a final draft concept design based on community input. We will share that final draft design and ask for feedback in the fall.

July 2024 | Deer Management Engagement Summary: From June 18 to July 19, 2024, we invited feedback on the County’s draft deer management recommendation. The proposed hybrid strategy centered around professional sharpshooting but also included other approaches such as fencing and repellents. All feedback can be explored through our engagement summary and the raw data.

May 2024 | Capital Improvement Plan Engagement Summary (FY 2025-FY 2034): Over 3,100 community members shared their thoughts on the Capital Improvement Plan, the County's 10-year plan for building, maintaining, and upgrading County facilities and infrastructure. Check out the full engagement summary and data here.

February 2024 | Budget Engagement for FY 2025: The County Manager asked the community to weigh in on the FY 2025 County Budget. In the six-week engagement period, the County heard from over 3,400 community members—both online and at in-person pop-up engagements. Read the engagement feedback here.

February 2024 | N. Sycamore Street Complete Streets Project: The County has developed a final concept design based on planning guidance, corridor data, coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and community feedback. The concept design is now undergoing preliminary engineering, coordination, and review with relevant partner organizations, such as VDOT and WMATA, and adjacent other property owners. Check out the final concept summary, view the concept design, and learn more on the project page.

Highlights from 2023

December 2023 | Shared Streets Pilot Projects Engagement Summaries: Check out the engagement summaries on existing conditions for S. Lynn Street (Arlington Ridge), N. Wakefield Street (Bluemont), and 12th Street S (Douglas Park). These three Arlington County streets are being considered for improvements as part of the Shared Street Pilot Projects, part of the Neighborhood Complete Streets Program. Community feedback will be used to create concept designs which will be shared in spring 2024 for additional feedback. Visit the project page to learn more. 

December 2023 | Gunston Park Playground Renovation Engagement Summary: View the engagement summary and themes that emerged from the Gunston Park Playground Renovation Project engagement. The input provided will be used to create a final draft concept that will be shared in the coming weeks for further feedback.  

October 2023 | Deer Management Project: View the engagement summary and raw questionnaire data that reflect back all that we heard throughout this first engagement.

October 2023 | STAR Community Feedback Opportunity: STAR users were asked to provide feedback on STAR’s current service and help Arlington Transit better understand rider priorities. The new report provides an overview of community feedback received and will help inform Arlington Transit’s evaluation of current STAR Service and rider policies. Learn more about STAR on the Arlington Transit website.

September 2023 | Homeownership Study Phase 2: After a months-long community engagement effort including an in-person Community Workshop in July 2023, the vision and goals for Arlington’s homeownership program are available in the Homeownership Study Phase 2 Report. Visit the project page to learn more.

September 2023 | Plan Langston Boulevard Preliminary Concept Plan: Please find the Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan Communications and Engagement Overview here. This report provides an overview of community feedback received on the June 2023 Draft Langston Boulevard Area Plan—in-person, through letters and emails, and in an online feedback form. Visit the project page to learn more.

July 2023 | Missing Middle Housing Study Information Sessions: The County Board hosted three information sessions touching on several key topics related to Missing Middle housing. Recordings of the sessions are available for viewing on YouTube and archived hereHousing Development and Economics | History and Future of Zoning and Housing Policy | Planning for Growth

April 2023 | Broadband Resource Evaluation and Needs Assessment: This is the first phase of a study that addresses the current state of broadband and digital inclusion in Arlington County and assesses the federal, state, and local tactics and tools currently available and their ability to eliminate any gaps in access. Review the Broadband Resource Evaluation and Needs Assessment report here.

April 2023 | Broadband Resource Evaluation and Needs Assessment: This is the first phase of a study that addresses the current state of broadband and digital inclusion in Arlington County and assesses the federal, state, and local tactics and tools currently available and their ability to eliminate any gaps in access. Review the Broadband Resource Evaluation and Needs Assessment report here.

April 2023 | Walter Reed Outdoor Pickleball Court: The project team gathered over 1,300 responses from community members for the Walter Reed Outdoor Pickleball Court project. Many themes and core issues emerged in this data which provides a summary that captures and shares what we heard, as well as raw data. The team has read through all your comments and is working with project consultants to draft further potential concepts. Take a look at the project timeline and plan to join the April 2023 recessed meeting to learn more.

March 2023 | Missing Middle Update – Expanded Housing Options Adopted: On Wednesday, March 22, the Arlington County Board voted to expand housing options in portions of the County that currently only allow single-detached homes, concluding the multi-year process of the Missing Middle Housing Study. Learn more.

March 2023 | Stormwater Facility Zoning Study: Learn how Arlington County manages its stormwater in the zoning studyZoning standards may change for easier access to management facilities in public spaces. View the meeting video and presentation slides to learn about the stormwater management zoning study and the engagement process.

February 2023 | FY 2024 Budget EngagementIn December and January, the County asked for feedback from the community on the annual operating budget for the next fiscal year. Over 2,400 participants weighed in, either online or in-person, and the County Manager considered this feedback as he developed his proposed FY 2024 Budget. View the feedback here and visit the FY 2024 Budget Information page to learn more about FY 2024 budget proposal.

January 2023 | Stormwater Utility Implementation: The County Board held a work session on the Stormwater Utility Implementation on January 31.  Staff presented recommendations for the utility which were shaped by the engagement process over the past year. Based on feedback received during the engagement process, the County Board directed staff to defer the first stormwater utility bill until May 2024. The Board preliminarily agreed with the proposed credit program and rate structure. Please view the presentation or work session video for more information.

January 2023 | 1,500+ Volunteers at MLK Day of Service: Volunteer Arlington hosted their 6th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service where service projects like these highlights were shared. The Beloved Community Award was presented to Saundra Green during this time. Explore volunteer opportunities in Arlington.

Highlights from 2022

December 2022 | Columbia Pike Transportation: In the past months, the County has collected feedback from the public about two trails near the Columbia Pike community. The feedback has been organized and is ready for you to review. Community members shared feedback on Arlington Boulevard TrailArmy Navy Country Club Connector TrailSegment H and I, and the Columbia Pike Partnership hosted the second annual State of the Pike event.

November 2022 | Vision Zero Year 2 Mid-Year Report & Public Meeting: Arlington’s Year 2 Vision Zero Mid-Year Report is out! The report provides an overview of Arlington’s progress toward each of the action items from the Vision Zero Action Plan and highlights key accomplishments and things to come in Year 2 of our safety program.

November 2022 | N. Sycamore Street Complete Streets ProjectThe engagement summary of feedback on the concept design for the North Sycamore Street Complete Streets Project is available. Analysis of the summary will help inform a final design, which is anticipated to be share in Fall 2023.

Fall 2022 | Pedestrian Awareness in Arlington County: Arlington County targets transportation safety through the Vision Zero Critical Crash Campaign. The Transportation team held a variety of public engagement processes this year. Learn about the community's input on school slow zone demonstrations. Watch the County Board meeting to learn about processes that make transportation safer. Read feedback from community members on the Lorcom Lane Pilot project.

Fall 2022 | Transit Strategic PlanThe Arlington Transit Strategic Plan project team held a virtual public meeting followed by a series of pop-up events in Fall 2022 to gather input on experiences using Arlington Transit, and to draft goals and objectives of the plan. View the meeting slides and recording to learn more about the future of transit in Arlington County. 

Fall 2022 | CC2DCA Engagement Summary: The Crystal City to Ronald Regan Washington International Airport Multimodal Connection (CC2DCA) study team has prepared updates to share with the community. Learn about public response in the second round of engagement that took place last winter, and next steps for analysis ahead of the next round of engagement anticipated for the fall of 2022. See the newsletter: English |Spanish |Chinese

September 2022 | Crystal City Second Entrance Meeting: The Crystal City Metrorail Station project team held a virtual design update public meeting on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. Learn about the most recent designs for the east entrance to the station and the next steps for this transit project. Watch the recording, view the slide deck and read the summary analysis of the public engagement process. 

Summer 2022 | Arlington Addiction Recovery Initiative: Volunteers with AARI rolled out a successful year in 2022. They hosted events, facilitated presentations, and shared many resources with the community to respond to substance abuse and support recovery in Arlington. Review the highlights and sign-up to volunteer for AARI. 

Summer 2022 | Military Road and Nelly Custis Drive Roundabout: Community feedback gathered in the summer of 2022 sought roundabout improvements to reduce visual clutter, improve yield rates, and reduce confusion for all intersection users. The interim updates will be followed by a permanent round about installation at this intersection. Check in for project updates here and check out this VDOT video and information page for tips on navigating a roundabout as a motorist, pedestrian, and cyclist.

June 2022 | 2700 S Nelson St. Placemaking Plan: The Graham Projects design team and Arlington County officials implemented a variety of community engagement strategies to collect responses on public art and placemaking. Learn about the process that will ultimately lead to a new and inclusive outdoor public space for arts and performances.

May 2022 | Proposed FY 2023 - FY 2032 Capital Improvement Plan: The County Manager presented his proposed FY 2023- 2032 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to the County Board on May 17, 2022. Learn about the proposal and review resources including the CIP engagement summary and analysis documents.


Highlights from 2021

Winter 2021 | FY23 Budget Engagement Overview: Check out a quick overview of what we learned from this past fiscal year's engagement around the County's operating budget. Learn more about the budget and the upcoming consideration from the County Board this April. 

December 2021 | Vision Zero in Arlington: Arlington County transportation staff and our partners have been working hard to deliver projects, programs, and policies to reduce serious transportation crashes in our community. We are excited to share our first Vision Zero Mid-Year Progress Report. The report details action from 2021, as well as action coming in 2022.  Learn more about Vision Zero.

November 2021 | Lubber Run Park Pedestrian Bridge Renovation - Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts regarding the draft design for the Lubber Run Pedestrian Bridge. We appreciate your input. Review the update on the project shared by staff at the Nov. 17 Arlington Forest Civic Association meeting.

Fall 2021 | South Four Mile Run Drive Complete Streets: The project team for the S. Four Mile Run Drive Complete Streets Project – Phase 2 (S. Walter Reed Drive to S. Nelson Street) Complete Streets began an engagement process in fall 2021 on two concept designs including two community meetings in August and June 2022, a pop-up event, stakeholder conversations and an online feedback form. Visit the project page to review the engagement summary and to learn about the next steps for this project. The next milestone for this project will use feedback to finalize a concept design for implementation in spring 2023.

July 2021 | Community Oversight Board and Independent Policing Auditor: To improve transparency and accountability in the police department, the County Board has established a Community Oversight Board (COB) with independent investigative and subpoena power, and an Independent Policing Auditor.

June 2021 | Plan Langston Boulevard: View the latest updates, including the Summary of the Feedback (PDF, 11MB) received for the entire corridor, organized by topic and including a summary by neighborhood area. View the study’s Documents page and learn about the Engagement Approach.