

Pile of library books

Serving the community with seven neighborhood branches, plus the Center for Local History.

Parks & Recreation

Park with basketball court

Promoting wellness and vitality through dynamic programs and attractive public spaces.

Trash & Recycling

Trash cart on curbside

Focused on creating a sustainable community, providing weekly curbside trash and recycling collection services.


Filling a glass with water from a. tap

Providing residents with a safe and reliable supply of high-quality drinking water.


Residential Lease Agreement 

Great jobs, great schools and an unbeatable location, including programs supporting our commitment to affordable housing.

Human Services

Young boy get a vaccination 

Offering public health programs, housing assistance, family support services, education programs, and more.

Immigration Resources

We welcome everyone who has made Arlington County their home. Our community provides a variety of programs and services for new immigrants and other residents who need assistance.

Engage Arlington

Civic engagement is at the heart of Arlington. Find a way to make a difference in your community — share feedback today, or find ways to get more deeply involved.

Military & Veteran Affairs Committee

The Arlington County Manager has established the Arlington County Military and Veterans Affairs Committee in order to support and strengthen the relationship between local active duty and civilian military commands, the local veterans community, Arlington County government, County residents and the local business community.

Welcome Kit

Moving to Arlington? Here’s a list of everything new residents need to know to get settled in our community.