Special Events in Arlington County

Welcome to the Office of Special Events! We're here to guide members of the community as they plan and execute a large celebration or gathering. Before starting an application, please review the important information below.

What is Considered a Special Event?

Special events that require a special events application are determined by size and impact.

  • Special event applications are required for events that:
  • are open to the public.
  • are broadly promoted.
  • will have impacts to nearby roads, residences, and businesses.
  • will include sale, consumption, or distribution of alcohol.
  • have the effect, intent, or propensity to draw a crowd.
  • Special event applications are not required for events that:
  • are private events that are not open to the public.
  • are casual use of public spaces by residents or visitors.
  • don’t have the effect, intent, or propensity to draw a crowd.
  • are regularly occurring markets such as farmers, flea markets, or others that are permitted by an approved Arlington County use permit.
  • are small neighborhood events including block parties (see additional information below).
Steps to Planning a Special Event

Click the dropdown below for each type of event to learn more.

Festivals & Community Day Celebrations

family at outdoor festival

  1. Draft a layout map of your event.
  2. Fill out a special events application.
  3. Consult the special events checklist for: 
  • Scheduling use of a park, field, trail, or center,
  • Street or road closures,
  • Logistical parking reservation requests (i.e. equipment vans, catering/food trucks),
  • Use of inflatables or other amusement devices,
  • Necessary public safety support,
  • Serving or selling food,
  • Beer, wine, or alcohol permits;
  • And other considerations.

Moving Screenings & Concerts

movie screening outdoors

  1. Draft a layout map of your event.
  2. Confirm movie or music licensing agreement through vendor.
  3. Fill out a special events application.
  4. Consult the special events checklist for: 
  • Scheduling use of a park, field, or center,
  • Street or road closures,
  • Necessary public safety support,
  • Serving or selling food,
  • Beer, wine, or alcohol permits;
  • And other considerations.


  1. people marching in a parade Draft a parade route and layout map of your event.
  2. Fill out a special events application.
  3. Consult the special events checklist for: 

Road Races (includes walks or runs)

  1. people running a race Create your own route or search the United States of America Track and Field database for certified race courses.
  2. Draft a map of the race/walk/run route and overall layout of your event.
  3. Fill out a special events application.
  4. Consult the special events checklist for: 
  • Scheduling use of a park, field, or center,
  • Street or road closures,
  • Logistical parking reservation requests (i.e. equipment vans, catering/food trucks),
  • Necessary public safety support,
  • Serving or selling food,
  • And other considerations.

Trail Races (includes walks or runs - 250 person max)

  1. people walking on a trail Draft a map of the race/walk/run route and overall layout of your event.
  2. Fill out a special events application.
  3. Consult the special events checklist for: 
  • Scheduling use of a trail through the Trail Event Permit, park shelter, or field,
  • Logistical parking reservation requests (i.e. equipment vans, catering/food trucks),
  • Necessary public safety support,
  • Serving or selling food,
  • And other considerations.

Protests & Demonstrations

people holding a demonstration ** Protests and demonstrations may require special event applications depending on the impact including location and number of expected participants. Please start your planning process by reaching out to the Special Events office at specialevents@arlingtonva.us or 703-228-1876.

  1. Draft a layout map of your requested location.

Block Parties (Special Event Application not required)

block party.jpg Neighborhood block parties are processed by a separate application through Permit Arlington and the Department of Environmental Services Transportation, Engineering and Operations.

Small neighborhood events, including block parties, that a) do not include the sale or distribution of alcohol, b) are conducted in a public space or on a one or two-block section of a non-primary, residential street by persons who reside on that section of the street, and c) County staff estimates will result in fewer than 150 attendees. Such events shall, however, be subject to right-of-way permit requirements and/or other permits or requirements imposed by the County depending on the nature of the event and its location.

Understanding the Special Events Application Process

What is the Special Event Application Process?

  • Special event applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event date (at minimum).
  • The special events committee will review the application for permits or requirements that would be needed for the event. Depending on the complexity of the event, the review process can take between two to four weeks. Event organizers maybe asked to attend a meeting with the Special Events Committee.
  • Staff from the special events committee will inform the applicant of any missing permits or requirements. Permits are revoked if event-day inspections are not successful or if insurance certificates are not received at least seven days before the event.
  • Once the review has been completed and the event is approved by the special events committee, the applicant will receive a confirmation email from the Office of Special Events.
  • Applications are reviewed by calendar order. Applications that are submitted months ahead of an event may not be reviewed until 90 days before.
  • Incomplete applications may delay or impact the review/approval process. If you are concerned about timing, reach out to the Office of Special Events via email at specialevents@arlingtonva.us or call 703-228-1876.

What is the Special Event Fee Reduction Program?

The Arlington County Special Events Fee Reduction program is designed to encourage and support special events in Arlington that would not otherwise be able to occur due to required County public safety fees. Fee reductions are granted only for offsetting the law-enforcement, fire and emergency services costs incurred by the County to support special events.

Who Do I Contact for planning or permitting needs?


Start Your Special Event Application Now  

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