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The Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Urban Agriculture program is pleased to support the Friends of Arlington Urban Agriculture. DPR envisions the Friends of Urban Agriculture will be a productive partnership between the community and County DPR staff; serve as ambassadors to extend the presence and values of urban ag into the community; help leverage work of County DPR employees; provide an avenue for public stewardship of urban ag resources; deepen public support for urban ag and demonstrate the value of urban ag to the community.
Friends of Urban Agriculture is seeking volunteers for the Highlands Urban Garden and the Plot Against Hunger.
Please contact Mary Charlton at for more information.
Check the Virginia Cooperative Extension, Friends of Urban Agriculture, and Arlington Food Assistance Center pages for volunteer opportunities and training.
Urban Ag Home
Mary Charlton Email
Yard sharing can be a solution for landowners who have yards that are not being used and growers without their own growing space Best practices include agreements that outline the rights and responsibilities of each partner. Learn more.