Affordable Dwelling Units An Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a property made available for purchase to qualified first-time homebuyer households with moderate incomes and is subject to restrictive covenants that require it to be affordable in perpetuity.
Moderate-Income Purchase Assistance Program (MIPAP) This program provides down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible homebuyers for purchases in Arlington County.
Low-Interest Mortgage Program (SPARC) This program assists homebuyers (low- to moderate-income) with purchasing a home in Arlington.
Foreclosure Prevention Free counseling, legal aid, and other resources are available to assist Arlington homeowners facing the prospect of foreclosure.
Real Estate Tax Relief Program - 2024 This program provides an exemption or deferral of real estate taxes for eligible homeowners who are age 65 and older, or totally/permanently disabled.
Homeownership Study The Homeownership Study, which includes the former Condominium Initiative, will examine program outcomes, assess opportunities, and determine whether the County's existing programs and policies support Arlington's homeownership goals.