Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)

The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) advises the County Manager on issues that affect cycling in Arlington, including safety, education, community involvement, awareness and promotion, and the development, operation and maintenance of on- and off-street bicycle transportation and recreation facilities.


The BAC committee generally holds regular meetings open to the public on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise noted.  

The next meeting of the Arlington County Bicycle Advisory Committee will be held on Monday, January 6, at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held on the County's TEAMS platform. 

Join Meeting on Teams

Meeting ID: 288 772 426 745

Passcode: 9cw6no2Z


Dial-in by phone

+1 347-973-6905,,814131976#

United States, New York City

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 814 131 976#


Meeting Notes