Alternative Compliance Option for LDA/SWM 2.0 Permit

Arlington is revising development requirements for single family home projects to require additional stormwater detention, as represented by the "Land Disturbing Activity/Stormwater Permit 2.0." Single family home projects will now be required to meet State stormwater quantity standards in addition to the stormwater quality previously required. This change is important as infill development continues and rainfall intensity increases, causing more lot-to-lot runoff and adding cumulative runoff impacts to downhill neighbors, the storm drain system, and local streams.


Applicants may also choose an Alternative Compliance Option to these new standard requirements that will be more feasible and effective in most cases and less onerous for the homeowner responsible for maintaining stormwater management facilities. This option will also offer standardized plan templates to shorten the time for plan review and approval and avoid complicated engineering and detention system design.

Arlington County has made updates to the LDA permit Alternative Compliance Option to add flexibility for detention credit and dry wells, and limitations on connecting tanks in-series.


See section 2.9.2 of the Stormwater Manual(PDF, 2MB)  and the new documents below:

Tree Compliance 

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