Zoning Committee (ZOCO)

The Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission reviews and provides comments and recommendations on Zoning Ordinance amendments. The public may observe the meetings, but participation in the discussion is limited to members of the Planning Commission unless otherwise recognized by the respective Committee chair.

2024 Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held on Tuesdays, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the Ellen Bozman Government Center (EBGC) – 2100 Clarendon Blvd.

Date & Agenda  Location  Topics & Materials 

Jan. 16


Conference Room 311 


Feb. 6


Conference Room 216   

March 12

Hybrid Meeting

Agenda(PDF, 160KB)

View Meeting Recording

Conference Room 216 


1)  Flexibility for Shared/Off-Site Parking

2)  Parking for Athletic or Health Clubs; Compact Parking for Health-Related and Retail Uses

3)  Outdoor Visual Entertainment in Retail Centers

April 16

Hybrid Meeting

Agenda(PDF, 156KB)

View Meeting Recording

Conference Room 311 



1)  Outdoor Visual Entertainment in Retail Centers

May 14

Hybrid Meeting

Agenda(PDF, 156KB)

Meeting Summary(PDF, 166KB)

View Meeting Recording

Conference Room 216



1)  C-O Rosslyn: Provisions for Additional Density

June 11


Conference Room 216   

July 16

Hybrid Meeting

Agenda(PDF, 185KB)

Meeting Summary

View Meeting Recording

Conference Room 311

1)  Recovery Residences

2)  Structural, Interior Alterations and Additions to Nonconforming Multifamily Dwellings and Townhouses

3)  C-O Crystal City Building Height


 No meeting  

Sept. 10


Conference Room 216   

Oct. 15

Hybrid Meeting

Agenda(PDF, 209KB)

Conference Room 216


Joint Meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) and ZOCO

1)  (ZOCO) Childcare in S-D District; Family Day Care Homes

  • Memo

2)  (LRPC/ZOCO) Transformation of Obsolete Office Buildings Policy; Adaptive Reuse

Nov. 12

Hybrid Meeting 

Conference Room 311   

Dec. 10

Hybrid Meeting 

Conference Room 311   

View past meetings

How to View and Participate in a Hybrid ZOCO Meeting

ZOCO meetings are hybrid meetings where members of the public may attend in-person or via electronic communications using Microsoft Teams.

  • Group members, staff, and public testimony will be hosted by teleconference/videoconference via Microsoft Teams.
  • Meeting access information will be provided on the Committee’s webpage at arlingtonva.us. (link will be posted in chart above prior to the meeting start)
  • Live captioning is available when using the Microsoft Teams App. Please download the free Microsoft Teams App onto your computer and test it prior to the meeting. You must be using the Teams App and be logged in in order to use the live captioning feature. For further instruction on how to join a Teams Meeting, you can visit the How to Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting video.
  • A recording of the meeting will be posted to the Committee’s webpage two business days after the meeting.
  • To request translation services or other reasonable accommodations, contact Nick Rogers: nrogers@arlingtonva.us;  703-228-3525.

The public can participate by sharing live verbal testimony or written comments in advance.