
The Research and Strategic Initiatives Group maintains an extensive library of documents and reports related to planning, development and transportation access, as well as population characteristics and trends in the County. As part of a regional process coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments we contribute data to the Cooperative Forecasting Program, including long-range forecasts of population, households and employment for Arlington.

Current Demographics

Population Estimation Methodology 

Arlington’s Department of Community Planning, Housing, and Development (CPHD) Research and Strategic Initiatives Group (RSIG) has developed an improved population estimate method—the 2020 Population Estimation Methodology—that produces reliable and timely estimates for small subcounty geographies. This new method uses the most recent housing and household data and captures the difference in household size between single-unit (attached and detached) and multi-unit structures. Learn more about the 2020 Population Estimation Methodology.(PDF, 295KB)

Demographic Dashboards

RaceThumb1.pngThe Race and Ethnicity Dashboard provides a transparent means of comparing key demographic variables of Arlington’s population by race and ethnicity.




CensusThumb1.pngThe Census Tract Demographic Dashboard allows users to select one or more Census Tracts to view the demographics at the sub county level.




Civic Association Dashboard Beta.pngThe CPHD Population and Demographic Estimates Dashboard provided demographic profiles for Arlington’s Civic Associations, which do not align to U.S. Census Bureau geographies. 




CVIM-Image.pngThe Community Vulnerability Index Map (CVIM) is a geographic tool designed to identify areas of concentrations of Arlington’s vulnerable populations.




Socio-Economic Characteristics

  • American Community Survey (ACS) provides demographics based on income, education, language, poverty, foreign population, commuting and more.
  • Major Planning Corridors (released July 2014) provides a demographics comparison of the major planning corridors. Find out what makes Rosslyn-Ballston, Richmond Highway (Route 1) and the Columbia Pike corridors unique.

Population Forecast

  • Population and Jobs Forecast provides estimates and forecasts of population, employment and housing statistics (2010-2045) to assist with the planning and development process and to help frame the discussion of future trends in the County.

2010 Census Results

Results from the 2010 Census help to illustrate a decade of change in Arlington, including population increase, race, ethnicity and age of residents, and total housing units and occupancy.

Past Documents