Arlington County Government offices and services are operating on modified schedules for the Christmas holiday, Tue., Dec. 24, and Wed., Dec. 25, 2024.
3608 North Military Rd, Arlington, VA 22207 View Map
3608 North Military Rd , Arlington, VA 22207
Stream sections near Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 N Military Rd.
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Summer-Fall 2024 Gulf Branch Stream Project Update
Thank you to all who joined us for the in-person community meeting on Thursday, September 5 at Gulf Branch Nature Center, 3608 Military Road, Arlington VA. We enjoyed walking the stream along with the indoor presentation at the Nature Center.
What's New In This Phase of the Design?
Learn More & Share Your Thoughts
Exposed sanitary pipes in Gulf Branch like the one in the photo above will be re-buried under the bed of the stream, improving long-term stream safety and health.
As part of Arlington County’s efforts to protect our local streams, Gulf Branch was identified as a high priority for a stream repair and resiliency project because of active erosion, infrastructure concerns and habitat degradation. Funding for design was allocated through the Capital Improvement Plan in 2018.
Stream projects are a key strategy identified and adopted as part of the Stormwater Master Plan. Project goals include:
Please contact us to receive notification of upcoming meeting dates.
Gulf Branch Green Streets Neighbor Meetings
Community Meeting Virtual
Advisory Group Meeting Gulf Branch Nature Center
Design visualization shows gently sloped banks and raised stream bed. Existing conditions show steep dropoff and exposed sanitary sewer pipes and manhole structure.
Design visualization shows gently sloped banks to the stream. Existing conditions show large stone riprap boulders armoring the stream just upstream of Military Road.
Design visualization shows gently sloped banks to the stream. Existing conditions show large stone riprap boulders armoring the stream.
Gulf Branch - Old stream wall and exposed sanitary sewer pipes near Broyhill Forest Park.eam Project1
Exposed sanitary manhole and steep banks. This structure used to be safely offset from the stream banks. Over time, the soil around it has eroded
Stream erosion after July 2019 storm
Eroded banks, exposed tree roots
Sanitary pipe crossing the stream previously protected with concrete. Severe erosion in July 2019 storm led to feet of newly exposed sanitary sewer pipe (which has since been protected with more concrete).
Old stream wall near the Nature Center
Neighbors have expressed concerns about the widening and deepening ditch at Reach 1
Damage after the July 2019 storm
Exposed sanitary sewer pipe near Broyhill Forest Park
Damage after July 2019 storm. Erosion next to stairs from Broyhill Forest Park.
Damage to Military Road culvert after July 2019 storm
Old stream walls next to Military Road have generally held, but in extreme storms water floods the road. The culvert is undersized.
Stream bank erosion where Reach 4 enters Gulf Branch. This eroded outfall will be addressed separately from the stream project.
Lily Whitesell 703-228-3042
Ty Asfaw 703-228-3959
Sign up to help rescue native plants along the Gulf Branch corridor fall 2024: 10/22, 11/19, 12/14
After the fall native plant rescues, help remove invasive plants in Gulf Branch Park, typically the second Saturday each month. Sign up to remove invasive plants at Gulf Branch
Learn more about Arlington stream resilience, project priorities and lessons learned with this Stream Resilience StoryMap.
Thanks to all the Arlington Regional Master Naturalists, stream monitors and community volunteers who helped harvest and plant live stakes at Gulf Branch in February 2024! Photo credits: Master Naturalist Toni Genberg. Learn more about the live stakes pilot project.