Resurfacing Projects for Complete Streets – 2022 Season

Status: Complete

Staff have reviewed the annual list of projects up for routine maintenance and identified a number of streets for potential Complete Streets projects. Community feedback about existing conditions and concept designs were collected in the spring and summer of 2022. This input, along with other available data, such as existing plan guidance and crash data, helped staff refine the final concepts, which will be implemented in summer/fall of 2022.

Final concepts are posted under "Public Process" below.

About the Projects

Complete Streets “enable safe access by all user groups including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit vehicles and users, and motorists of all ages and abilities.”

One of the ways Arlington County delivers on the Master Transportation Plan's Complete Streets policy is to review the annual list of streets up for routine maintenance and identify opportunities to implement proven safety interventions that provide safe access for all people using the street.

What types of improvements can be made through street maintenance?

Treatments for each roadway segment will depend on existing conditions, plan guidance and community feedback.

Past improvements made through the Resurfacing for Complete Streets program include:

  • Reducing crossing distances for people walking through curb extensions, medians or median extensions and bike lanes.
  • Making streets easier to understand by formalizing travel lanes and adding high visibility markings and advance signage.
  • Providing more separation between people driving and people biking through buffered or protected bike lanes.
  • Reducing vehicle speeds with pavement markings, including bike lanes or medians, curb extensions, medians and signage.
  • Providing better sight lines and more controlled vehicle turning movements through curb extensions and pedestrian islands.

Check out some before and after photos from past projects.

2022 Projects

  • S. Abingdon Road / 34th Street S. - Bridge over I-395 (Fairlington)  
    • Please note: The segment of S. Abingdon Street is being delivered in coordination with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)'s bridge rehabilitation project
  • Clarendon Boulevard – Courthouse Road to N. Scott Street (Radnor-Ft. Myer Heights / Colonial Village)  
  • Clarendon Boulevard – N. Garfield Street to N. Adams Street (Clarendon-Courthouse/Lyon Village)  
  • N. Ohio Street - 12th Rd. N. to Washington Boulevard  (Madison Manor / Highland Park-Overlee Knolls / Dominion Hills)
  • Wilson Boulevard – N. George Mason Drive to N. Vermont Street (Bluemont)  
  • 15th Street S. – S. Joyce St. to S. Hayes Street (Arlington Ridge / Aurora Highlands). This section is being deferred to better coordinate with nearby projects.


Project timeline

While project schedules may vary, this is a general timeline for projects delivered through this program.

  • Early Spring 2022 – The project team shares information on the potential projects and asks the public to share their experiences on these streets
    • This part of the engagement process happens online, using a virtual open house format where you can leave comments on a map of each corridor
    • The project team will use your feedback, existing plan guidance and other information to develop concept plans for each location
  • Summer 2022 – Concept plans are shared with the public for review and comment
    • Staff host a public meeting to discuss the concept designs for each corridor, and get your thoughts on how they will impact your experience while travelling
    • The project team will take the feedback we receive and use it to make adjustments to each corridor's concept design
  • Late Summer/Fall 2022 – Final plans are shared. Resurfacing and remarking work are completed
    • Once the plans are finalized, we'll share them back with the community with an explanation of how they were updated based on your input
    • The resurfacing and restriping happens and our team conducts observations to ensure each corridor is working as intended


Public Process

July 2022 - Final Concepts

Project staff reviewed feedback received during the June 2022 engagement. This feedback helped staff refine and finalize the concept plans for implementation.

June 2022 - Concept Design Engagement

Project staff reviewed feedback received during the April 2022 engagement and developed concept plans for each of the corridors. Community feedback on the concepts was received online and at a public meeting. Feedback received will help staff refine and create a final plan. 

April 2022 - Existing Conditions Engagement

With the complete resurfacing list finalized, the Resurfacing for Complete Streets corridors were identified by transportation and engineering staff. At a virtual Open House, community members had the chance to learn more about the program, see what types of improvements are possible and then share their feedback about the existing conditions of the corridors. This feedback, alongside planning guidance, crash data, and other information, helped staff develop concept plans.

  • S. Abingdon Road / 34th Street S. - Bridge over I-395 (Fairlington)
  • Clarendon Boulevard – Courthouse Road to N Scott Street (Radnor-Ft. Myer Heights / Colonial Village)
  • Clarendon Boulevard – N Garfield Street to N Adams Street (Clarendon-Courthouse/Lyon Village)
  • S. Joyce Street / 15th Street S. – Army Navy Drive to South Hayes Street (Arlington Ridge / Aurora Highlands)
  • N. Ohio Street - 12th Rd. N to Washington Blvd  (Madison Manor / Highland Park-Overlee Knolls / Dominion Hills)
  • Wilson Boulevard – N George Mason Drive to N. Vermont Street (Bluemont)